現代の東京を背景に、メトロポリスの中で自分を見失ってゆく者の昏迷と逃避を描いたフィジカルシアター作品。複雑に絡み合う楽 曲形式フーガの旋律に東京の路線図を重ね合わせ、模倣、反復、逆行などの技巧を用いて、MCエッシャーのだまし絵やルイス・キャロルのナンセンス文学を想起させるシーンが展開される。コーポリアルマイムの身体性に日本語と英語のテキストと映像をコラージュして紡いだフィジカルポエトリー。
Audience Review
...show was fantastic!! I had so many goosebumps, it was crazy. So moving and profound, and important.Thank you thank you thank you for making that!!
...the performance was truly wonderful. I enjoyed it hugely and was so impressed!!!
...Thanks for creating this and for all the work that went into it!
Superb show today- I am on the train and still thinking about it! Really really loved it and I could totally watch you all day long- some of the sequences were mesmerizing!
We are super excited to have been invited to participate in the Mime in Motion Festival in Montpellier next month, thanks to our friends Janaina Tupan and Sebastien Loesener of Platform 88. The Festival has launched a fundraising campaign to help cover the costs of our travel to France. If you'd like to find out more, click the link!