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Corporeal Mime
study sessions

Corporeal Mime Study Sessions

"What is Corporeal Mime?"

In addition to our programme of practical classes and workshops, we run a series of study sessions where you can learn whilst sitting down. Each time we delve into a different aspect of Corporeal Mime, the 'actor art' founded by Etienne Decroux. The aim of these sessions is to raise levels of awareness and understanding of Corporeal Mime through lectures, demonstrations, videos and discussion. These events are relevant to performers of all disciplines as well as anyone interested in physical expression and art in general.


Upcoming dates:


Sat 6th February @15:00

Sunday 7th February @15:00

★ The same programme will be presented on both days (roughly 90 minutes long)

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Corporeal Mime Study Session
Vol.1〜Vol.6 Online Viewing Available

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