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mime school

theatre company

event space

tarinainanika is an international theatre company specialising in Corporeal Mime. Drawing on the rich technique and creative processes of Corporeal Mime we devise original pieces centred on the expressive power of the human body. We also run a school offering a range of teaching programmes, from full-time professional training to one-off classes and workshops. In 2019 we relocated from Tokyo to Osaka and, after a year of DIY refurbishment, opened the Flying Carpet Factory where we now run the school, company and an event space. Here we offer a place of discovery, creativity and collaboration, for artists and creators from Osaka and beyond. 



Performance and Event Info

Weekend Workshop

Upcoming dates:  10th Nov 

Our weekend workshops explore the technique and creative processes of Corporeal Mime in an intensive 4-hour period. They are ideal for newcomers to get an overview of Corporeal Mime and a chance for more advanced practitioners to hone their skills. Click the button below for more info.

The Same Boat_edited_edited.jpg

Free Trial Class!

Daily training in Corporeal Mime

At the Corporeal Mime School of Performing Arts we offer daily classes in the “actor art” of Etienne Decroux. You can sign up for classes on an ad hoc basis or enrol in our full-time professional training course. Your first class is free! 



We are now celebrating 5 years at the FLYING CARPET FACTORY!

Click below for links to the fifth anniversary interview and press release outlining what we've been up to and where we hope to go from here. 



Corporeal Mime School of Performing Arts

nurturing the next generation actor-creator

In October 2020 we opened our school in Osaka with the aim of offering the highest level of training in the art of Corporeal Mime. Here students can acquire the technical skills to express drama through the body and the creative toolkit needed for a career as an independent theatre-maker. Whether you're looking to develop as a professional artist or simply curious to experience this "art of the thinking body", we look forward to welcoming you. 




the drama of being and doing

tarinainanika is a physical theatre company specialising in Corporeal Mime, the 'actor art' founded by Etienne Decroux in 20th century France. The company is led by Kentaro Suyama and Tania Coke, third-generation artists in the tradition of Corporeal Mime. With each piece we create we seek to push the boundaries of what can be expressed by an actor's body on stage. We present our works at our studio in Osaka, across Japan and internationally. 




rental studio / event space

In 2019 we relocated from Tokyo to Osaka and began renovating an old tatami and carpet warehouse in Higashinari Ward. A year later the Flying Carpet Factory opened its doors. The studio is home to the Corporeal Mime School of Performing Arts and tarinainanika theatre company. As well as using the space for our own creative and teaching purposes we also let it out to other artists and creators.



コーポリアルマイム舞台芸術学校&tarinainanikaシアターカンパニー tarinainanika and the Corporeal Mime School of Performing Arts presents: PEOPLEPEOPLE Directed by Kentaro Suyama and Tania Coke Assistant direction by Yukiko Masui Performed by Tomoki Nonaka, Ruxun Dai, Teruya Sugimoto, Masaya Tsujimoto, Harry Dean Music by Tania Coke, Dreamylapse, Henry Morse Projected images by Kentaro Suyama Lights by Kentaro Suyama Produced by tarinainanika Filmed at the Flying Carpet Factory, June 2024 コーポリアルマイム舞台芸術学校は近代マイムの父と呼ばれるエティエンヌ・ドゥクルーが構築した役者の芸術「コーポリアルマイム(仏:ミーム・コーポレル・ドラマティック」に特化した世界でも数少ない学校の一つです。 カラダでドラマを演じる表現者として活躍できる力強い基盤を築くことを目的とした専門的なプログラムを編成しており、「3年間フルタイムコース」「平日オープンクラス」「週末ワークショップ」「コーポリアルマイム勉強会」「訪問ワークショップ」を提供しています。 役者の身体性を重視したコーポリアルマイム特有のトレーニング・メソッドを通じて、技術力に裏打ちされた表現力を育み、カラダで魅せるアクターに不可欠な能力を身につけていきます。 また、公演に向けた取り組みの中では、個々の企画力・プロデュース力を高め、アクター・クリエーターとして自立するための実践的なノウハウを学んでいきます。 フルタイムコース、オープンクラス、週末WSに参加を希望される方は下記のHPからお問い合わせください。 The Corporeal Mime School of Performing Arts is one of the few schools in the world specialising in the theatrical art of Corporeal Mime. The school is based at the Flying Carpet Factory in Osaka and is directed by Kentaro Suyama and Tania Coke. We offer a wide range of learning opportunities including a three year full-time course as well as workshops, open lessons and online classes. The aim of our teaching is to cultivate the creativity, expressiveness and technical ability needed as a Corporeal Mime artist. No prior experience is needed to join any of our programmes - all are welcome. instagram: @tarinainanika facebook: twitter: @tarinainanikajp
コーポリアルマイム舞台『PEOPLEPEOPLE』全編無料配信中! #舞台芸術 #フィジカルシアター #コーポリアルマイム #演劇 #身体表現

コーポリアルマイム舞台『PEOPLEPEOPLE』全編無料配信中! #舞台芸術 #フィジカルシアター #コーポリアルマイム #演劇 #身体表現

@tarinainanika コーポリアルマイム舞台芸術学校&tarinainanikaシアターカンパニー tarinainanika and the Corporeal Mime School of Performing Arts presents: PEOPLEPEOPLE Directed by Kentaro Suyama and Tania Coke Assistant direction by Yukiko Masui Performed by Tomoki Nonaka, Ruxun Dai, Teruya Sugimoto, Masaya Tsujimoto, Harry Dean Music by Tania Coke, Dreamylapse, Henry Morse Projected images by Kentaro Suyama Lights by Kentaro Suyama Produced by tarinainanika Filmed at the Flying Carpet Factory, June 2024 コーポリアルマイム舞台芸術学校は近代マイムの父と呼ばれるエティエンヌ・ドゥクルーが構築した役者の芸術「コーポリアルマイム(仏:ミーム・コーポレル・ドラマティック」に特化した世界でも数少ない学校の一つです。 カラダでドラマを演じる表現者として活躍できる力強い基盤を築くことを目的とした専門的なプログラムを編成しており、「3年間フルタイムコース」「平日オープンクラス」「週末ワークショップ」「コーポリアルマイム勉強会」「訪問ワークショップ」を提供しています。 役者の身体性を重視したコーポリアルマイム特有のトレーニング・メソッドを通じて、技術力に裏打ちされた表現力を育み、カラダで魅せるアクターに不可欠な能力を身につけていきます。 また、公演に向けた取り組みの中では、個々の企画力・プロデュース力を高め、アクター・クリエーターとして自立するための実践的なノウハウを学んでいきます。 フルタイムコース、オープンクラス、週末WSに参加を希望される方は下記のHPからお問い合わせください。 The Corporeal Mime School of Performing Arts is one of the few schools in the world specialising in the theatrical art of Corporeal Mime. The school is based at the Flying Carpet Factory in Osaka and is directed by Kentaro Suyama and Tania Coke. We offer a wide range of learning opportunities including a three year full-time course as well as workshops, open lessons and online classes. The aim of our teaching is to cultivate the creativity, expressiveness and technical ability needed as a Corporeal Mime artist. No prior experience is needed to join any of our programmes - all are welcome. instagram: @tarinainanika facebook: twitter: @tarinainanikajp


コーポリアルマイム舞台芸術学校&tarinainanikaシアターカンパニー tarinainanika and the Corporeal Mime School of Performing Arts presents: PEOPLEPEOPLE Directed by Kentaro Suyama and Tania Coke Assistant direction by Yukiko Masui Performed by Tomoki Nonaka, Ruxun Dai, Teruya Sugimoto, Masaya Tsujimoto, Harry Dean Music by Tania Coke, Dreamylapse, Henry Morse Projected images by Kentaro Suyama Lights by Kentaro Suyama Produced by tarinainanika Filmed at the Flying Carpet Factory, June 2024 コーポリアルマイム舞台芸術学校は近代マイムの父と呼ばれるエティエンヌ・ドゥクルーが構築した役者の芸術「コーポリアルマイム(仏:ミーム・コーポレル・ドラマティック」に特化した世界でも数少ない学校の一つです。 カラダでドラマを演じる表現者として活躍できる力強い基盤を築くことを目的とした専門的なプログラムを編成しており、「3年間フルタイムコース」「平日オープンクラス」「週末ワークショップ」「コーポリアルマイム勉強会」「訪問ワークショップ」を提供しています。 役者の身体性を重視したコーポリアルマイム特有のトレーニング・メソッドを通じて、技術力に裏打ちされた表現力を育み、カラダで魅せるアクターに不可欠な能力を身につけていきます。 また、公演に向けた取り組みの中では、個々の企画力・プロデュース力を高め、アクター・クリエーターとして自立するための実践的なノウハウを学んでいきます。 フルタイムコース、オープンクラス、週末WSに参加を希望される方は下記のHPからお問い合わせください。 The Corporeal Mime School of Performing Arts is one of the few schools in the world specialising in the theatrical art of Corporeal Mime. The school is based at the Flying Carpet Factory in Osaka and is directed by Kentaro Suyama and Tania Coke. We offer a wide range of learning opportunities including a three year full-time course as well as workshops, open lessons and online classes. The aim of our teaching is to cultivate the creativity, expressiveness and technical ability needed as a Corporeal Mime artist. No prior experience is needed to join any of our programmes - all are welcome. instagram: @tarinainanika facebook: twitter: @tarinainanikajp
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