Kanazawa Night Museum 2023+
a tarinainanika production
Homage to Rey Camoy
〜drawing out the drama of the body〜
23rd and 24th September
Inshikawa Prefectural Museum of Art
tarinainanika’s contribution to Kanazawa Night Museum 2023 is inspired by the genius of Rey Camoy, the painter from Kanazawa. We will be running a two-day programme of film screenings, talks, performances and workshops at the Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art. We hope through these events to offer visitors a fresh opportunity to appreciate the expressive power of the human body, as seen in both Rey Camoy’s paintings, and in the French theatrical art of Corporeal Mime.
"drawing out the drama of the body"
Before each film screening there will be a short live performance, offering visitors a direct experience of the drama of the body, expressed through the Frenchtheatrical art of Corporeal Mime.

Screening of the film: Rey Camoy
This film, shot in Ishikawa Prefecture in March 2023, is an adaptation of the stage version of "Rey Camoy" - a six-person non-verbal theatre production which premiered in Osaka in December 2022. The film version offers an alternative perspective on the original, which was inspired by the life and works of the painter Rey Camoy.
Drama and Expression
September 23 | Takeshi Maeda, Chief Curator at the Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art, will delve into the life and work of Rey Camoy under the theme of "drama and expression."
September 24 | Kentaro Suyama and Tania Coke of tarinainanika theatre company will introduce the French theatrical art of Corporeal Mime through discussion and demonstration.

The Body as a Creative Tool
Experience the theatrical art of Corporeal Mime in your own body! This workshop is a chance to rediscover the expressive power of the body in the digital age. Anyone interested in physical expression is welcome to participate.
Performance and Screening|90 mins
Talk|45 mins
Workshop|75 mins
【Doors open】
30 minutes before each event
Performance and Screening|500 yen
Performance, Screening and Workshop|1000 yen
●Tickets for each event can be bought on the day
at the counter in front of the entrance to the Museum Hall
●The contents of the performance and screening are the same each time
河合隆汰 増井友紀子 辻本将哉 杉本輝哉